In the never-ending search for my next favorite United Kingdom Lady Mystery Writer I heard about one Denise Mina who's written quite a lot of books - jackpot! I thought... but, after reading two of her stories I'm not sure she's The One for me, but probably good in a pinch.
Still Midnight is about a couple of bumbling criminals who accidentally kidnap the wrong person and make a fine mess of things. It takes place in Glasgow (Mina is Scottish) and the kidnapped family are originally Ugandan. There are some interesting themes re: immigration and profiling and people of color that she tackles.
Ugh, I borrowed this from the library and my loan expired and thus I lost all my notes. I hate that. The main detective, as I remember, is a woman who gets passed over all the time. She's a little rough around the edges (for good reason) and has to play it real cool every time she uncovers something so her co-workers don't steal all the credit. I like how she writes dialogue - I could really hear their Scottish accents in my head. Hilarious ending was a nice surprise.
Friday, July 11, 2014
Wednesday, July 09, 2014
Broken, Karen Slaughter

We got off to a rough start with this 2nd paragraph:
The wind picked up and she clenched her fists in the pockets of her light jacket. It wasn't so much raining as misting down a cold wetness, like walking around inside a dog's nose. The icy chill coming off Lake Grant made it worse. Every time the breeze picked up, she felt as if tiny, dull razors were slicing through her skin. This was supposed to be south Georgia, not the freaking South Pole.I thought I was in for the metaphorical ride of my life, but, mercifully, they quieted down a bit. So, this lady, Sara, is visiting her hometown where her parents live and she and her husband used to live before he was killed. She was the town medical examiner and he was the Sheriff. But he got killed. Sara believed that it was the fault of one of his detectives, Lena. When a local girl is murdered, Sara consults and tries to steer clear of Lena. Parts are told from Lena's POV and you find out she not the monster Sara thinks she is, but she's not exactly a snow-white princess either.
Will Trent is a likeable character and I wouldn't mind reading more of her series about him. He's dyslexic and for some reason very ashamed about it and doesn't like to tell anyone. He sends things to his partner to read because he has a really hard time. Although, I suppose after I thought about it a while, it seemed like it could be a hard thing to manage with coworkers.
Oh, after reading Amazon, I find that this is kind of a cross-over book between a couple of series Slaughter has written. I mostly enjoyed this book but it was one of those situations where it turns out the murder is someone you barely meet and then you find out they've masterminded some kind of crazy plot involving medical experiments and God knows whatall. I find that very annoying.
Please let me know if you've read any K. Slaughter that you really love!
Tuesday, July 08, 2014
To the Power of Three
It begins with a young woman taking a gun to school and quickly follows with three friends getting shot in a bathroom at the school. One in the foot, one in the chest - dead, and the other in the face - critical condition. For some reason I couldn't keep the girls straight - I could never remember which one was dead and which one was on life support. Their names were Kat and Perri. (Katy Perry? I was irrationally stuck on that. Which reminds me... when I was in 7th grade, we were supposed to write a story on a team and my team and I wrote this epic mystery about a rich family, in our minds a kind of VC Andrews thing, and we spent DAYS thinking about what their names should be. Finally we came up with Levi and Calvin, and then on the day we read our stories out loud to the class, my nemesis made fun of us because we picked names from 2 brands of jeans. Ugh, I hate that stupid bitch!)
Anyway, there are some weird inconsistencies with the story shot-in-the-foot tells and the police don't believe her version of events, so, even though it seems pretty obvious that coma-girl did the shooting, you know there's more to the story.
The major problem for me was there were just too many characters in this book. I mean, I could barely keep the three girls straight, which is on me, but then there were all the girls' parents, their classmates, their damn guidance counselor, their fucking uncles and grandparents, their goddamn neighbors, ex-boyfriends who are now in college but back in town for the summer, a whole cast of unpopular girls, the drama teacher! etc. My god. Everyone knows that a good mystery needs a fair number of characters, perhaps limited, Agatha Christie-style, on an island or a train or something, so you have plenty of people to red-herring your readers with, but an entire high school full of people is too much. And, when you have a huge number of people in your mystery, and in the end it turns out your murderer is someone who was mentioned once in the second half of a paragraph on page 38, it's goddamn infuriating is what it is.
What Lippman does capture, very well, is the language and intensity of high schoolers, not to mention ones that are experiencing a school shooting:
Others were ignoring the guidelines for a Level II emergency, holding their cell phones low by their hips, text-messaging with the ferocity of young Helen Kellers who had just discovered an accessible language.She also brutally demonstrates the pettiness that teenage girls especially can carry around. In their world, small slights get conflated into issues of life and death. What am I talking about? I'm still mad at that stupid girl for making fun of me in 7th grade and one other insult I could tell you about in excruciating detail if you could bare to listen to a grown woman describe a decades old slight. The detective ponders:
He was a murder police, well into his third decade, and he thought there was nothing new under the sun, no motivation unknown to him, no scenario he had yet to document. And he was right. The story Josie told, haltingly yet determinedly, had the usual elements. Jealousy, covetousness, anger of slights so tiny that it was hard to believe they had resonated for even a moment, much less years.
Ouch. Nails it, doesn't it? I think she approaches the kind of animosity women can irrationally hold for one another that Margaret Atwood explores in novels like Cat's Eye. So, ultimately, I didn't love this book because honestly I couldn't keep everyone straight, but she does get at some important issues that obviously struck close to home for this reader.
Sunday, July 06, 2014
Pills and Starships

This book was really disappointing to me because I'm always on the lookout for my next fave dystopian novel, YA or otherwise. Aside from the unbelievable premise with the parents, the author simply didn't trust her readers enough to let the details unfold elegantly. Millet spelled everything out as she went, defining her futuristic vocabulary instead of just letting her audience figure it out, laying out the schedule for the 7 days instead of letting it happen. It felt like coddling to be held by the hand like that, and I really don't think it matters whether your reader is an adult or a teenager.
As you might guess from the title, there's a lot of focus on medicine, vaccines and "mood stabilizers". Everyone takes pills to avoid depression and to achieve whatever type of mood they desire. Nat's parents are on a heavy regimen of pills to keep them calm and tranquil as they approach their death. It reads as a critic of the Prozac Nation, kids on ADHD medication and whatnot... More than once I found myself wondering if Millet's one of those anti-vaccine crazies.
I haven't read Millet's other work - they seem to be pretty well-received. Let me know if you've read her stuff and enjoyed it, I would like to hear.
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