Sunday, April 13, 2008

Moral Disorder

Moral Disorder (2006) is a book of short stories by perhaps my favorite author, Margaret Atwood. I love her novels, but after reading The Tent and The Penelopiad, I've gained a greater appreciation for her shorter work.

Moral Disorder is a slightly unusual set of short stories because they share a through-line of one character. They are not in "order" of this woman's life, but jump around from various points, and, at times, even spring unexpectedly into the distant past. I thought it was interesting that she chose to write this woman's story in pieces (and how, anyway, can you really sum up a life in 250 pages?) Sometimes I like to skip around when I'm reading short stories, but these were kind of fun to read in order - it seemed that even though they were not chronological, that there was some reason they were in that order.


Barb said...

Hi, I was given your blog by Sonya, who I met, well, met her blog, when People Reading was a blog of note. It has since turned into my nightly ritual before I do sudokos and reading.

It was interesting to come to this blog and find a book of short stories through one character. I am almost finished with one like that, Nora Jane, where the story is told in short stories.

I buy all my books at the Salvation Army store, because I love to look for treasures and because I can get lots of books for my dollar. And, it makes it easier for me to choose because I can only choose what is there. (In fairness, I buy whenever there is anything good, so I have a stash of books in my house...I feel rich!) i also end up reading lots of stuff I would never have found at a typical store.

I looked at your other posts and found the one on Skinny. I am an 8th grade English teacher who tries to read lots of YA books so I can turn kids on to just the right book.

I'm hoping the books I have do not teach them how to have disorders. You scare me there! I do not put just any book on my shelves because I think some do glorify some teenage parts of life I have no need to show to kids.

Did you read Cut? Or Kissing Doorknobs? Or Go Ask Alice? Speak?, a Sarah Dressen (?) about abusive relationships? These are all books about girls with problems--not all eating disorders....not sure I have any, but girls do like them. I'm hoping they see just how far a disorder can go.

In Cut, one character dies and in Go Ask Alice she also dies. Speak is a terrific book on date rape that I recommend to all girls before high school. The book has made me look at trees in a totally different way ever since!

I'm thinking I have gone on and on. Sorry. It was so nice of Sonya to give me another blog on reading to read. I have book marked it. Thanks!

Ps. I am an old feminist, and I'm not hairy. Loved the comment.

KHM said...

Oh my gosh! Two recommendations for collections of short stories! I could kiss you and die of bliss; I love short stories done well!

Yay Dave Eggers and his great work!